
Driving While Texting 6 Times More Dangerous than DUI

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), texting and driving is six times more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol. Teen drivers are more likely than any other age group to be involved in fatal crashes where distraction has been reported. In 2009, 16 percent of teens involved in fatal accidents were found to be distracted. (NHTSA)

A report from the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis states that texting while driving or in a truck causes more than 3,000 deaths and over 330,000 injuries per year. Texting while driving has become the number one cause of accidents and fatalities among teen drivers. However, it’s not just teens who text while driving—nearly half of adult drivers surveyed admitted to doing the same. Drivers who text are 23 times more likely to cause a collision than those who don’t text.

Parents should talk to their teenagers about the dangers of texting while driving and other distracted driving behaviors. 

Get Straight Answers from an Experienced DUI Defense Attorney

Do not trust just any criminal attorney with your DUI case. The future of you and your family depends on finding the most aggressive and experienced DUI legal team available in Broward County. Call Ticket Shield to schedule a confidential case review and discuss your legal options.

This post was written by a professional at Ticket Shield. Ticket Shield understands that life can sometimes throw unexpected challenges your way. That’s why Ticket Shield is here to help you navigate through legal roadblocks when you need it most. Their team of experienced lawyers specializes in a range of traffic-related legal matters, ensuring you have the best defense possible. Types of teams available:


  • Traffic Ticket Lawyer
  • DUI Lawyer 
  • Speeding Ticket Lawyer
  • Reckless Driving Lawyer
  • Suspended License Lawyer
  • Red Light Ticket Lawyer
  • Stop Sign Ticket Lawyer
  • Seat Belt Ticket Lawyer


Don’t let traffic tickets or driving-related charges weigh you down. Contact our Stop Sign Ticket Lawyer in Broward County today for a free consultation, and let Ticket Shield be your shield in the legal arena. Your peace of mind is their priority!


the authorStacy